Incidentally, April was actually the month the world celebrate human foolishness. The “April Fool” month they called. The month I found out how foolish I am and then consider it a wise realization. The month I embrace new perspective and throw away the old one.
The month I consider special.
Okay, it is not what you’re thinking right now. And I’m no April fool or whatever. It’s the month I take Christianity on a whole new level. Consider it foolishness or something to that effect but that’s the way it is.
Hello, I’m not planning to follow Mother Teresa neither aiming for sainthood or whatever. I was just trying to live to its certain expectation. I’m not perfect I admit although I’m trying to be one and sin is still an issue that I’m having a hard time to understand.
April will always remind me of a new life and a new birth, of redemption and deliverance, of His unfailing love and abiding grace. And I will always believe, hope, trust and love because of Him.