Friday, March 14, 2008

What Went Wrong?

In my futile attempt to write a sensible and child-friendly article I end up not writing anything at all, for three days already. Not that there’s nothing news-worthy to write for a kid. It just that the world is going crazy even children nowadays are getting sick of thinking what is right from wrong. Al Gore in an interview with the British paper the Sun, said; "The Planet is in Destress and all of the attention is on Paris Hilton. We have to ask ourselves what is going on here"

It seems that entertainment is a necessity that we don’t give a damn on what’s more important. Violence are everywhere even at the comfort of our home. Some parents allow their kids to watch brutal scene on a PG tv or take part in a role-playing game that promotes nothing but hostility. I’m talking according to surveys, news articles and personal experience here. Nobody can blame anybody; as the world around us evolve we human goes as well. Inevitable? Duh, just plain personal irresponsibility associated with social enigma of adjustment.

Yesterday, the sun vividly shone inside my room that it woke me up turning my PC and go online. I took a sip of my freshly brewed coffee igniting my day for a new start when I saw the headline “kid accidentally pulls the trigger killing some kid”. I don’t want to spend the entire entry ranting about what went wrong. Rather I want to emphasize that we have to do something and ask ourselves what is going on.

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