Saturday, March 1, 2008

My days are numbered!

It has been a month now since I first nursed this feeling of uncertainties with in me. I have been very unhappy and unsatisfied since then. I’ve been experiencing last-day-of-your-life syndrome usually acquired by cancer patients. Scary eh? I don’t have cancer but my days are numbered. As of this writing I only have ten days left to complete my thirty-day notice before I gracefully terminate my contract with the company I am working right now. It’s difficult but I believe I made the right decision.

Every waking day was like a bitter pill I need to swallow and everything just kind of took place behind my consciousness. It all started when I went home last Christmas and realized I need my sanity back from the stressful corporate jungle. I had my schedule squeezed to the point of regularly calling in for almost a week. And after few considerations I finally decided to resign from the job. I don’t know what in store for me but I just can’t resist bumming days. Laughs!